Decades of Business Litigation Experience and a Commitment to Cost-Effective Resolutions

Business owners can avoid many headaches through careful planning in the corporate formation stage, but even the most careful owners are likely to face problems and contend with disputes at some point. Conflicts routinely crop up among co-owners, between employers and employees, and with other entities or governmental agencies. All of these situations require an understanding of both the legal issues at hand and the client’s business to identify the best available alternative among many options.

The client’s industry, size, financial circumstances, and market position play significant roles in litigation and should be carefully considered in developing a trial strategy. We work closely with our clients to craft practical, cost-effective solutions to their toughest problems by taking a comprehensive view of our clients’ goals and unique needs.

We Can Help You Resolve Corporate Issues

Business owners throughout Georgia trust our attorneys to solve their problems while minimizing the disruption of their day-to-day operations. We understand the stakes and fight tirelessly for our clients’ interests. Our attorneys have decades of experience in complex business litigation and a broad range of skills and insights to benefit our clients. Since 2001, our firm has assisted hundreds of clients in various industries with countless issues, including:

Big Firm Experience with a Personalized Touch

Our diverse legal backgrounds are a tremendous asset to Georgia businesses because we offer the same high-level counsel as much larger firms while providing the personalized attention clients generally only find with smaller firms. Jones & Walden is a one-stop shop for business owners facing complex problems or the prospect of litigation.

If you would like to speak with one of our skilled attorneys to learn more about how we can protect your business’s best interests, we encourage you to contact our Atlanta office to schedule a consultation. Call 678-701-9235 or contact us online to get started.