Are attitudes toward debt changing?

How consumers handle their credit cards changes, sometimes even drastically over relatively short periods of time. People in Georgia might be more apt to pay off credit card balances during times of economic strife or uncertainty. However, as economic prospects...

Becoming profitable with Chapter 11 bankruptcy

Many people in Georgia believe that bankruptcy is the end of the road for a business. Contrary to popular belief, Chapter 11 bankruptcy actually offers a more financially secure future for small and large businesses alike. Business owners can use Chapter 11 to...

Medical debt is a growing problem

Going to the doctor can be expensive, even for those who have insurance. Unfortunately, this prevents a lot of people in Georgia from seeking medical care when they need it. Those who do go to the doctor often end up saddled with so much medical debt that bankruptcy...

Speak to creditors before filing for bankruptcy

Acknowledging that one’s business is in financial stress is a difficult but important step. However, acknowledging the problem is only just the beginning. The next reasonable step may be to file for bankruptcy. As Georgia business owners weigh their options, it may be...

Addressing student loans in bankruptcy

Attending college in Georgia is not cheap, and many students — even those with scholarships — have to take out loans just to afford tuition. Most expect to secure a good, well-paying job after graduation, which would ideally make paying off their student...