One of the most common sources of unrest in the real estate industry may pertain to disputes over rights of ownership to properties. There are a variety of scenarios in which such disagreements may occur and those who encounter similar concerns might have questions about the available options to help resolve the matter. A quiet title action is an example of a step that may help individuals in Georgia establish ownership rights and mitigate the risks of encountering similar issues in the future. 

Examples of uses 

Experts indicate that quiet title actions may be necessary for various situations, one of which may involve clarifying ownership during estate sales. Boundary disputes continue to be a leading cause of conflict in real estate and sometimes quiet title actions may be a means with which to resolve such matters. In some cases, liens may remain on a property even after a mortgage is paid off and similar measures may also help address such issues and clarify ownership rights. 

If a property goes unoccupied for extended periods, quiet title actions may also help clear a property title and allow others to pursue the purchase of the property. Similar measures may also be a viable way to address issues such as adverse possession. Quiet title actions may also help resolve issues with land surveying errors or help address the possible presence of fraudulent activity in property titles. 

Property disputes 

An action to quiet title is a tool that may help address various types of disputes over ownership rights to a property. When facing similar concerns, individuals in Georgia who wish to know if this might be the best path to take could consider speaking with an attorney for advice in addressing their situations. An attorney can help a client evaluate each available option, provide insight into making informed choices about the situation, and assist in preparing to protect his or her rights and interests via the appropriate paths.