Businesses often have to share private information with other parties. However, they must do so safely. One way companies can protect private data is through nondisclosure agreements. NDAs can make sure intimate details like a business’s performance, intellectual property and access to various accounts are maintained and handled responsibly by outside entities.

How these agreements can be beneficial

Companies often have to disclose private data in various situations. If an owner presents an idea to a potential partner, investor or distributor, they’re usually giving away critical details about their organization. An NDA may be necessary for this type of interaction. That’s because an NDA can lower the chance of others stealing their ideas or telling competitors about their business’s financial standing.

Another example would be if a business hired a marketing agency to increase their reach. In many instances, the agency may need access to customer data, social media accounts and other confidential information. By using an NDA, business owners can better state their expectations so that their data gets utilized appropriately.

Considerations when drafting an NDA

Some may think such agreements have to be dense and complicated to be enforceable. However, most NDAs only need to be a few pages long. Here is some information owners may want to include:

  • Identification of all parties involved in the agreement.
  • Defining what information is and is not confidential.
  • The receiving parties’ obligation to maintain that confidentiality.
  • Specific exclusions from the confidentiality agreement.
  • Terms of the agreement.

Data protection is crucial for prosperity

Business owners often put in years of long hours and hard work to build a sound and profitable brand. They also hold a legal obligation to keep private information about their customers, intellectual property and finances from harmful exposure. That’s why having a legally enforceable NDA is crucial for long-term business success.