When you are drowning under your debt, it is likely that you are fearful about many things. It might be that you are fearful about losing your car or home, or that you worry that your children might not be able to enjoy a good quality of life. With all of this fear, worries about taking action are also accompanied.
It is normal to be fearful about taking action, but the reality is that burying your head in the sand is going to be much more damaging in the long term than making a change now. Filing for bankruptcy is a big step, but it offers many families a chance to be free of their debts.
Will I be able to afford bankruptcy repayments?
It is so common for people to believe that they would never be able to afford bankruptcy payments. However, bankruptcy is very personal, and it is tailored to your individual circumstances. The process requires willpower and determination, but it is designed to be possible for all.
How will my credit score be affected?
The truth is that bankruptcy can have long-term implications. Your credit score will be affected, but you can begin to work on it by taking on small amounts of credit.
How long will the bankruptcy process take?
The length will depend on the bankruptcy chapter that you file for. If you file for Chapter 13, the plan will last between three and five years. However, a Chapter 11 filing may only last two years.
If you want a fresh start from your debts, it is important to be proactive.