Is it too soon to file for bankruptcy again?

Bankruptcy is a process that helps people relieve their debts. After someone’s debts are successfully resolved, they can accumulate new debt obligations.  If these new debt obligations become too much, bankruptcy can be filed again. However, debtors will likely...

3 mistakes to avoid when filing for Bankruptcy

Financial hardship can strike when you least expect it. One moment your finances are in line and the next, you are dealing with a medical debt that you never saw coming.  If you find yourself grappling with personal debts that you cannot seem to pay off, you may...

Wage Garnishment For Unpaid Debts

There are many repercussions that come with significant amounts of unpaid debt. If you are behind on your payments, you likely struggle with the stress and feelings of helplessness that may come with knowing that you cannot catch up on your own. In addition to the...